The Memory of Water
Plants are just like us, with a little tender loving care you can accomplish so much. Since a few weeks ago it was so nice and sunny I…
Plants are just like us, with a little tender loving care you can accomplish so much.
Since a few weeks ago it was so nice and sunny I thought it would be good for the plants to be out in the balcony, it turned out that it was way too windy for them. The strong winds burned the leaves of the lemon trees and some of the plants.
I apologised to them as if they were my children, as I sent them “outside” when they were not ready…
The plants are now inside, where I can tend to them until they are ready, if they ever are ready to go out.
In that sense we are very similar to plants. Some will recover, thrive and be resilient even when growing in the worse extreme environments; of course both plants and humans can always use help to heal faster.
Sometimes life sends us out into the world when we are not ready or have the right “tools”, for example when we are too young or even when we feel sad. Sadness is a “low vibration”, when we are feeling sad or stressed we are prone to get sick. There are many factors as to why this happens.
Everything in this world vibrates at different frequencies but our eyes and our minds are not able to perceive or sometimes comprehended how this can be.
“Everything in Life is Vibration” – Albert Einstein.
Quantum physics explains that the universe is vibrating strings of energy. Our bodies are not different at all, every part of our bodies has a different sonic or sound signature, just like frequencies on a radio. Everything in the cosmos is the same at a major or minor scale…
Before science was able to confirm this information, since the beginning of time, the world’s indigenous people knew this, and knew how to work in the quantum field <3
The heart and brain emit different “sound waves” or frequencies and they can become out of tune.
Sound waves are now being used around the world as the new technology to perform brain surgery to treat tremors. Watch the surgery here.
Do you know that a single gram of DNA can store 215 million gigabytes? No wonder we can store so much information on a deeper level! Here is a link reference in case this sounds out of this world 🙂
This how DNA would sound if we could hear it.
Our adult bodies are composed of approximately 70% water, and babies are at 93%. Children are the biggest sponges of information, which is why we need to imprint them wisely as water also has a memory.
Since our bodies are composed of mostly water and water retains information “energy/frequencies”, we can work with the water in our bodies to remove, renew, reshape and restore the information within.

When we experience ”burns” just like the lemon leaves, these burns can linger deep in a cellular and subconscious level without us even knowing.
These “burns” are sometimes easily processed and released allowing us to flow naturally. Other times they are stored in our bodies just like information inside a computer, presenting themselves to us in many ways and forms, like traumas, behaviours and patterns we follow.
A different analogy can be to imagine a corridor full of spider webs. Imagine a kid running through it, the child ends up covered in spider webs. The same happens to us when we come into the world, we received information and end up covered with “good” and “bad” data.
One of the lemon trees that lost all its leaves has grown two tiny leaves inside in the shade, protected from the wind and the sun, my hopes are up! :
If you could picture yourself as a lemon tree, how does your tree look like? Is it green? Is it brown? Does it have leaves? Or no leaves at all? Flowers or fruits? Is it big or small, new or old? Are there any dead parts on your tree? What can you see? What can you feel? Does your tree have termites, or a bug, or animals living inside? Do you see bees? Or birds on a nest? Are there none? What do you see? Is it strong? Is it weak? Can you see the roots? Is it in a nice place? Is it surrounded or alone?
After seeing your tree please know that all you see makes your tree wonderfully unique, an incredible masterpiece! Even if you think there are some not so nice bits. When we see a tree we see it whole <3
Tending a lemon tree is not so different than taking care of your “visualized” tree. I know it can be hard, but I also know that it can be done :). Taking one day at a time with honesty to allow your whole self to be, treating all you can’t accept or understand with love and compassion and a lot of patience to allow time for healing and transmuting all you feel.
I will keep taking care of the plants, specially of the little lemon tree as I hope you will take care of your inner tree with love and patience just like if it was your own child, if you realize you need to.
Much love,
Carolina. 🙏😊