Don’t be afraid to be who you are even when people don’t understand it, as in reality that has nothing to do with who you are and more to do with other people’s restrictions and way of thinking.

When I see a rainbow I love every color as we are exactly the same, all so different yet the same <3

Since embracing my set of tools, the ones unique to me, my life has only gotten better and better, don’t conform to society and what they want, it is your life so owned as you like.

Please be your own unique self, there are way to much of the same, I don’t really care if I come across as a weirdo 😊🥳🍀 I actually feel so so happy being my own “weird” not weird self 🦅

I would like to share this from my friend and I hope it reaches you 😊🙏🏼🙇🏻‍♀️😘

“Everything is tools. Everything we have as part of ourselves is what brings growth. It’s not what holds us back. Whatever makes you stand out, whatever makes you different, whatever you think is wrong with you, that’s what is right with you. What you may think is holding you back, this is exactly why you incarnated. Those are your greatest tools. All your flaws, all your quirks, everything that has ever been wrong with you, those are the tools that will make you grow. It’s not what is holding you back. And it’s important to learn to embrace everything about ourselves that is different. And study and understand that “these are actually my greatest tools, this is my personal toolbelt”. But the collective cannot teach us how to use it. Because some of these tools are unique to us, they are tailored. And therefore, because other people will just see you as “this is weird”, and we say “okay yes it is”, and then we don’t pick up the tools, we don’t learn how to use them, and we then become a shadow in the group. We need to learn to do the opposite, and understand that we choose our lifetimes specifically for all the weird stuff. It’s all the weird stuff that matters. Nothing else.

And when we can start looking at ourselves from that perspective, the map changes. Because you understand that it’s not about fitting in. It’s not about being accepted. It’s not about getting rid of what other people don’t like. It’s about getting rid of what fits in. It’s about getting rid of what makes you the same as other people. And then embracing your own toolbelt. And see what it is and how to use it. And have fun with it. It’s an important part of getting closer to oneself. And getting closer to one’s path. Because if we can’t even accept what separates us from the group, how the fuck can we find our own path?”

~ IKYA (seminar in Munich, 3/16/2019)

Pura Vida!

Carolina 😊🙏🏼✨🙇🏻‍♀️🎶♾🎁🎶💫

P.S. My first “selfie” for the blog 🙂

Sound Healing Malta

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