We want our children to share, to be compassionate, friendly, kind and open towards others, yet some seem to forget that Children learn by observation.

We want and expect things from them but are we doing all those things we ask from them?

Do you want your kid to listen? Do you truly listen to your child? Or do you think because they are little they don’t understand and you brush them off?

Do you want your child to always share, be open, kind, friendly at school? Do you practice all those qualities with others at work, with strangers and friends?

We can’t expect that children will behave perfectly, when the examples we set are full of faults… we don’t want our children to lie or bully but if you make fun of others, criticize, and speak badly you are not setting an example.

Children are magnificent people, always sincere, kind and even altruistic unless they have learned differently.

Many times when we don’t know why our children behave this way or the other, we should take into consideration that they might have seen an adult doing exactly the same thing…

Children grow up with what we place inside their hearts and memories. Let’s make sure we are planting beautiful gardens that one day will blossom into a giant forest, let’s not stump their growth with our “conventional” adult minds.

They become our walking mirrors…

Much love & Pura Vida!

Carolina 😊🙏🏼✨🎶♾💫

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