Messages from the Dream World
Have you ever woken up after a dream and wondered what was that dream all about? You might be left with many questions, thinking about your dream all…
Have you ever woken up after a dream and wondered what was that dream all about?
You might be left with many questions, thinking about your dream all day even searching the internet for possible answers, wondering what does it mean? Or if dreams have any meaning at all?
Since the beginning of time people have looked at dreams from all angles, trying to decipher the hidden messages in them, and even though there is information on what it means to dream with this or that; in reality it only means something for the person having the dream.
Our realities are subject to many factors, for example I might love clowns and they might represent happiness or funny moments but for others a clown can be a scary thing to see.
It is pretty much up to us to truly understand our own dreams, of course there are people who can see a bit further in to dreams and that is a privilege to enjoy.
Some people claim that they never have dreams or that they never remember their dreams, that is most likely due to the long term memory having a “sleep” so that is maybe why you don’t remember your dreams. Also there is an indigenous belief in the American continent, that says that if we are not able to remember any of our dreams, the reason is because we are afraid of dying.
If you are someone who feels unable to dream, there are ways to train yourself, to remember your dreams and to “navigate” your dreams. I’ll eventually write another post about how to do this, it has nothing to do with lucid dreaming, as it goes a bit further than that.
Dreams can be extremely vivid or “crazy” if there are such things, and they can look like they came out of a movie and the genre changes depending of what is going on and the list goes on.
The best possible way to see yourself when you are dreaming is when you look at your dreams with your own (eyes) perspective being active and not as a spectator of the dream, as being a spectator implies many different things.
Do you know that we create more energy in the dream state than we create in the awake state?
Our brain actually uses more energy when we sleep than when we are awake as it is working hard, processing all that had happened during the day and doing a selection between the information that it wants to keep and the one that needs to dispose.
There are parts of the brain like the hippocampus and the amygdala that light up to 30% more during our sleep, in order these areas are in charge of memory and strong positive and negative emotions.
Dreams are a doorway to an incredible world. It is surprising what we can learn by paying close attention to the dreams we have, they can bring incredible insight into the things going on in our lives, or things that we need to learn and see.
In a way the dream world is like a big school, packed with possibilities, a place where everything can change and be, a place of creation where you can learn and bring transformation to your life as well.
I started writing my dreams since 1997, per my experience over this years, not all dreams have a special meaning, and if they do you will remember the part you need to see.

I write only dreams that have messages, information or teachings. Some of the most amazing and even sad things have come to me in the dream world, like finding out my sister was pregnant before she even knew.
During a dream I learnt the day Mamá was going to leave this world, I didn’t want to believe it but I had no choice than to prepare myself for the inevitable and so I did.
Thanks to that dream I was able to have 3 months to enjoy her presence in more profound ways, I asked if it was ok for me to start recording the fragments of her life that she shared with me, it was extremely hard to record her words, knowing the reason why I was doing it, it made me cry each time but I wanted to always be able to hear her voice. Little did I know…

She had a big smile on her face, her eyes hurt by the light of the day. We laughed and cried, she knew and I knew, we spent the time talking about everything we could, she told me stories about when she was little and how she helped her grandfather in the healings he did.
We talked about life after death and what should I do, I told her that I would always follow the path she show me and with a smile on her face she told me that she hope I did.
Just like the dream… it happened indeed, exactly on the day I was shown in my dreams I said goodbye to my ancestral teacher of life <3 and yes, I miss her in this physical world.
It was a hard experience, a window into the future that stirred all kinds of things inside of me, even doubt as I didn’t want the dream to happen and I didn’t want to believe it either. I never wanted to see her go, but underneath of all it allow me time and space for learning, acceptance and understanding, to accept life is always a circle and to grieve in a different way.

Listening to that specific dream opened a whole new world for me to grow into possibilities I doubted before, it helped me integrate intuition into a deeper understanding that will continue expanding.
Not all dreams are going to be happy, great or packed with our desires, but they will for sure let you see beyond what the eye or mind can comprehend.
If you feel inclined to pay more attention to your dreams, I would like to encourage you to do it. You will learn to understand yourself in deeper ways.
Here are a few things you can do.
First of all it is super important to have a dream diary. Here you will write your dreams as you have them, first thing in the morning before checking any technological devices, as the memory of the dream is still fresh and you are more likely to remember what you dream about.
Write every dream you can remember even if it is only fragments of the dream.
The brain is so incredible that activates the Dorsolateral PreFrontal Cortex when exciting things are happening that need our attention in our dreams or that are “important”, so there is no need to worry if you wake up one day and you forgot your dream, it was not supposed to be written down.
Eventually you will know and recognize the “special” dreams that you need to write down and as the time goes by you will learn how the messages come to you and to understand them.
Learning to understand your dreams won’t happen from one day to the next, so have patience in the process, it may take years. Like everything in life it takes time and practice, devotion and dedication, it has to become part of your life, just like breathing and eating.
Make sure you don’t watch T.V. or eat before bed as it can change your whole dream “program”.
Before you go to sleep tell yourself that you will remember your dream 🙂 This is just to start training your brain into remembering your dreams.
As you start writing your dreams down you will see patterns, or little things light up with incredible detail, allowing you to understand more and more the world of dreams.
To dream is to be awake… and being awake is to dream…
Much love,
Carolina. 🙏😊
Sound Healing & Shamanic Practitioner