When we are little kids we truly have no idea what it is to be an adult, some children maybe even day dreamed about becoming an adult, thinking it was a miracle fix to escape their reality however small or big it was.

Later we find ourselves adulting around our lives, dealing with the same things our family had to deal with, “free at last” hopefully, being responsible adults. 

As we grow, for most of us life will take many turns and changes from what we dreamed or hoped for. It doesn’t matter where we come from, we all have stories that shape us into who we are.

There might be events that we won’t be able to recall, like perhaps when we were in the womb or very little; a deeply distressing emotional experience to our mothers when they were pregnant with us can leave a trauma on both.

We can continue to perpetuate patterns we saw when we were in our most delicate state, the time when we were absorbing all the information and using all our senses to learn as we watched our peers, to later on recreate their stories for good or bad, over and over not knowing is happening or how to fix it.

The stories of our adult lives mixed with all our family traumas can create an emotional disbalance, a heartache that stays lingering within our cellular level, much like a computer file that is corrupted but invisible to the eye.

The emotional “corrupted files” (I say corrupted because that is not who we are, our traumas are not who we are) that we collected as we grow, can activate if something triggers the emotion that has been stored within us, sometimes opening a deeply hidden trauma.

Trauma or anything that is inside hurting one way or another needs to be healed. We may feel like functional people, but deep down inside we may still have hurt feelings. Walking with them can be like being blind, they might not allow us to see properly and causing feelings of being lost.

This is a disruption to our emotional selves. It changes how we look at the world as if we were looking at the world through someone else’s eyes, like wearing a mask. 

I have walked this life with traumas that I had to heal, they didn’t really allow me to see the world as it was, they made me a completely different person; carrying a painful body physically and emotionally.

Like a caterpillar I had to undergo a metamorphosis of rearranging everything, removing the mask of who I was not and transforming all the painful experiences in understanding, as to why they needed to be there. Forgiving myself for anything that I felt guilty about, allowing myself to express who I truly was and not worrying about “what are people going to think” because people are not you or me, we are here for our own and collective experience, of course always with respect for the rest of the world.

I put myself through the heart colander and filtered all that was within me that didn’t truly belong. Vibrational wise I started to allow who I truly was to truly emerge, I had to forget many things I learned, that in reality did not serve any purpose and only took precious space.

I look inside myself to see the deeply embedded emotional turmoils, all the thoughts and patterns that I had, as they didn’t truly belong to me, they were experiences that had to be addressed in order to continue.  

The process can take time or a really long time, but time is all we have. As the years go by we can choose to stay the same or to invest in the temple of ourselves. To work through our emotions and really allow all that is in to surface, to break us down to the point of no return, in order for us to wake up and change into our true essence.

We are walking temples and we need to treat ourselves as such. Respecting ourselves in all possible ways and allowing our own processes in our own times.

It can be hard to look at ourselves with an open mind, the ego doesn’t like to be judged or criticized but in order to grow we must look inside at all that things we find.

It is like a homework that not many want to do, as it will open a can of worms that some are not ready to deal with, so don’t judge yourself if you feel that way.

As we open up the processes will happen when they need to happen, we can’t be hard on ourselves as we can’t push a tree to give fruit until the tree is ready and the same happens for us.

So if you are reading this today, maybe this is a sign… No kidding! 😉  For you to maybe look a little bit into the files you think you may have to address. It doesn’t mean addressing them right away but at least acknowledging what you need to do in order to grow. 

Everything that happens to us is here to give us a teaching whether we are ready or not and I’m thankful for that.

It has taken me a long time to get where I am emotionally and mentally, but I have done it and so can you 🙂

Life is like a river, there are nice and peaceful parts, rapids, boulders, or fallen down trees that may not allow us to go by, making us find other paths to continue onwards. The river of life never stops, it will give us what we need to grow as we surrender and flow.

The tools that helped me are with all of us, they just need to be awakened, don’t forget that.

We heal as we grow and we grow as we heal. 

If you feel like it, do something today that steers you towards your own authentic inner healing, towards embracing all there is about you, without asking questions, without analyzing things, without judging yourself, just be. Try to stay there for a while with all the things that you don’t understand, or can’t accept. 

Learning to accept, to forgive and to understand ourselves with true love and compassion will be different for each of us. We are all unique individuals, needing different ways to heal in order to find our voice in a world that wants you to be quiet. 

Speak your voice, stand strong, together we are in the circle of life.

Taking your first step to heal all that needs healing, is loving yourself and it takes courage but you will be free at last.

We are here to have an experience in the temple of our bodies, it is up to us what we do with them and how we want to live, don’t forget that.

Pura Vida,


Sound Healing & Shamanic Practitioner

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