As I sit here, feeling the earth intertwined with my heart, just like a breastfeeding baby staring at her mom. She gives us so much and I am grateful for that.

My body shivers with an electrifying sensation, causing goosebumps all over. I sigh just to feel her within.

Can you feel her if you stay still?

With butterflies in my chest, I feel her words in every breath I take, she speaks in a language of love and always guides my life.

circle of shells and flowers by

She writes in the rivers and valleys, on the stones, trees and the stars and into every particle that we are. 

A new cycle has arrived, and now is time to embrace the winds of change and go where the wind will take us again.

I found a circle of beautiful flowers, so I made a little gift to the land, by completing the circle with the little shells around I give my love the mother who feels my life with everything I need and need.

I wish for you to feel every cell of your body vibrate with pure love, the earth mother offers to us.

With gratitude,


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