Create your Sanctuary
Creating a sacred spot in your house, where you can disconnect from the world is a must-have these days. We feed our bodies with food and our brains…
Creating a sacred spot in your house, where you can disconnect from the world is a must-have these days.
We feed our bodies with food and our brains with information, but we forget that we also have a spiritual side that needs feeding 🙂
You might think that you going to church feeds that part… or you might not go at all, but even going to “church” doesn’t truly mean you disconnected from the world.
For many, “church” can be anything as long as it makes you feel connected to that “something”, which creates a warm feeling of happiness and joy deep inside your heart.
These days it’s hard to just unplug, and living in the city presents a challenge as we are constantly surrounded by all types of technology, making us forget that we also need to disconnect from everyday life.
While city living can be an issue for some, not everyone feels the same.
Many people find their “sanctuary” in other ways and some may feel they don’t really need one, as we all recharge in different ways.
Have you ever truly tried to unplug? To reconnect with your essence in a way that nurtures yourself and feeds your spiritual side?
Nature allows us to relax and return to the peace of our hearts, it is easier to find or connect to our inner sanctuary while walking in the forest and mountains, or just sitting by a river.
The sounds that fill our minds and the feelings that fuel our emotions are all in harmony while we are covered by the amazing blanket of nature.
So where can we find the sanctuary if we are living among buildings?
Where do we find the harmonic center?
We can start by creating our “Corner of Peace”, our “Home Sanctuary”, our “Zen Garden” in your own house 🙂
Would you like to create one but aren’t sure how?
I can show you! 🙂
Creating a space in your house just for you is a way of nourishing and caring for yourself “almost” as if you were in nature.
Your perfect spot should truly reflect who you are, in the sense of what makes you happy.
Here are the steps to create “Your Sanctuary”:

– Walk around your house, move from spot to spot until you feel completely comfortable
– If you are not sure about a specific space repeat the first step until you feel in pure harmony with the chosen space. This can take a while, so be patient with yourself, the right space will show up once you relax and allow patience to guide you into where feels right for you. This is also part of finding the perfect space. – Once you find the right space, you’ll need to find items in your house that reflect who you are. You can add rocks, candles, flowers, plants, incense, quartz crystals, stones, photos, lovely trinkets you own, gifts from loved ones, etc.
With the right space now located and the items you want to arrange, you can start creating your “decompression station” or however you would like to call it.
Think of this as your nest, you can bring those things that make your heart smile because you love them and will make the nest more cozy.
You can add books, a chair or pillows to sit or if you would rather lay down something for the floor, bring all the things you need to create this little renovation center.
The fact that not all spaces are created “equal” makes the possibilities endless on how to arrange and what to bring to your space. This will also help you in sparking up your creativity.
If you still don’t know how to do it or where to start, I will share what I include in mine. If you already have come for a session you may have seen what it looks like; even though it changes all the time, as seasons come to my life and so yours will too eventually.

For me it is essential to have plants and a candle. The plants bring me back to the mountains that I find comfort in.
If you feel you are not good with plants, another option is to use cactus, there are some amazing looking ones out there!
Adding different layers to make it beautiful will give you a dramatic look.
The other good thing about cactI, is that they need little supervision, you only need to water them at least once a week.
The candle I light every day in prayers for my ancestors and for different people in my life.
This is something I love and have been doing as a legacy of my grandmother as “children do what they see” and I saw her do the same thing for the same reason, every day with loving devotion.

To create an established area, I used a garden table from the balcony, as I’m using what I have at hand, I added an earthy colored paisley scarf (I love paisley fabric) to cover the table and make it more “Earth like”.
– I added a few little branches I’ve collected along the way.
– A twined vine that has now dried, which I covered with feathers, no
need for glue.
– A recycled bottle, used to create a hanging ornament to grow more plants.
– And just a few more trinkets for the finishing touch.
Before using your nature Sanctuary I would suggest to light a candle as a thank you gift, to the space, to the plants, the items your brought and to YOU for all the time invested 🙂
If you decide to create this transformational space for yourself, I hope from the bottom of my heart that you can also benefit as much as I have.

For me creating an Earth Sanctuary changes everything, it doesn’t matter where I go I can always find “home” through this space.
You are not only getting an incredible decorated area that will make your living space more beautiful, but you are creating a space for decompression, reconnection with your essence, a place of joy.
If you are still wondering how to use your newly named space, I offer you an idea to start with 🙂
– You might bring water or tea.
– Phone in silent mode and away from reach.
– If you have a chair, cushion or something on the floor, make yourself comfortable
– If it is cold like “right now” make sure you have some cozy blankets to keep warm.
– Light a candle as a signal that your disconnect to reconnect time has started.

If you don’t like to light a candle, you can do what feels right for you. Nothing is set in stone, change things as your prefer, as this is only an example of the infinity of possibilities to create 🙂
Now with the flowers, plants, cactus you have in your space chose the one that catches must your attention, sit there observing and explore it with the wonder of a child.
What color do you see? Are there more colors? Is it a small plant? Big? What is the shape of the leafs? Does it grow straight or it expanding to the sides? And keep asking all the questions that come to your mind.
This is also a way of meditation, sometimes we have to go outside to go inside 😉
Don’t judge yourself if you feel silly, nothing you do in your special space can be silly, as there are no such things in there, only acceptance of the whole you!
Remember this is your return to a place of forgiveness, of compassion and understanding towards yourself, you might think of this place as a loving mother, that never judges, that only comprehends, that listens to give advise and accepts you for who we truly are.
The process of creating your own home Sanctuary works from the beginning, promoting
Patience – Creativity – Gratefulness – Happiness – Harmony – Compassion – Understanding – Perseverance – Clarity and wholeness.
As you continue to find ways to use your beautiful space, you will see how even the smallest things can bring good new feelings into your heart and mind. Helping you develop more into a happier, more relaxed and better you.
Here I present you the final product. I hope you like it and feel inspired to create one!

As sharing is caring I hope this information can be of some use to you and if had you decided to tag along and created something please share your beautiful space with me as it will make my heart smile.
Much love,